12 Biggest Mistakes Students Make in Their Preparation for University

Think you've got university applications on lock? Even the brightest students get tripped up by these common mistakes.

Think you've got university applications on lock? Even the brightest students get tripped up by the most common mistakes.

All that time and effort spent on extracurriculars, student committees, volunteer work and good grades, just to stumble at the finish line.

We’ve seen it time and time again.

But we hate seeing the wasted potential. The missteps. The thousands of dollars in lost scholarship funding. The dreams of what could have been.

That’s why we’re here to ensure you don’t do the same.

A Word of Caution

AdmissionPrep has helped more than 5000 students get into their dream programs and unlock hundreds of thousands in funding. But every now and then we come across a student who thinks they’re ahead of the game in university prep, only to realize that they've dotted the i's but forgotten the t's.

It’s not their fault. They were never handed the roadmap.

They relied on their guidance counselor to tell them everything they needed to know.

They trusted websites that ended up being outdated.

They assumed the wealth of information online would be enough to piece together their application themselves.

While these are great places to start, they only cover the basics of the application process. 

Universities update their application requirements and change deadlines and course prerequisites from time to time. That means generic and outdated admission advice, even from a well-meaning counselor, isn't going to cut it.

You’re playing in the big leagues when applying for these highly competitive university programs and scholarships.

Think about it: Canada has some of the brightest and best-educated students in the world.

You’re up against thousands of other students who have been through the same schooling system, working for years beefing up their applications.

If you want to get into your dream program and get funding along the way, you need to make sure you check all the boxes and then some.

Your future is important enough that you should seek out personalized advice and equip yourself with the most organized and well-prepared admission strategy.

Don’t be the student that misses out due to lack of preparation.

The university admissions process can feel overwhelming, especially without the right guidance. But AdmissionPrep's expert mentors can guide you so you don’t miss any critical steps. Take our program assessment quiz to see if you’re eligible to work with our top education consultants.

Here are the 12 most common but overlooked mistakes we see even the most "prepared" students among us make in their university applications.

The 12 Most Common Mistakes Even The Brightest Students Make

Mistake #1: Underestimating the Application Pool

A solid GPA and some extracurriculars shouldn’t give you this false sense of security.

To put things into perspective, there are thousands of other bright, ambitious students competing for the same limited spots at the top universities. And guess what? They’ve got the good grades and volunteer experience just like you.

Your application needs to tell a unique and compelling story that makes you stand out from the crowd.

Don’t underestimate the application pool. We’ve seen too many students miss out thinking good grades are enough to coast into their top choice of universities.

Mistake #2: Not Applying to Enough Schools

Don’t bet your future on a single school.

We always encourage students to have backup plans. You’re not lowering your standards, you’re just being smart and not limiting your options.

Going all-in might work at the poker table when you’ve got pocket aces, but when applying to universities it’s the riskiest move you can make.

Apply to multiple schools. Not only does it increase your likelihood of acceptance, but it multiples your funding opportunities as well.

Mistake #3: Applying to Too Many Schools

We get it. You want to give yourself the best possible shot, but bombarding every university in the country with applications isn't the answer either.

You have limited time and energy – applying to too many schools just spreads yourself thin. 

More essays. More deadlines. More stress. It’s a recipe for burnout.

Focus on quality over quantity and pour your heart and soul into the handful of applications that really matter.

Mistake #4: Ignoring Early Admission Deadlines

Don’t sleep on early admissions, they can be your ticket to increased odds of acceptance and precious scholarship funding.

Too many students miss out on these boosted opportunities to get into their top-choice universities.

Think less crowded applicant pools, more financial aid opportunities, and prioritized applications.

Planning well in advance is the key.

Mistake #5: Missing Scholarship Deadlines

We shudder to think how many millions of dollars in scholarship funding students let slip away each year. And that goes double when you learn that financial stress is the reason 1 in 3 students consider dropping out.

It’s free money – money that can make a huge difference. Yet every year so much funding goes unclaimed just because students fail to plan ahead for scholarships.

Don’t be the student that neglects deadlines.

Mistake #6: Rushing Essay Writing

You can’t treat your admissions essays like you do Mr. Jones’s last-minute English assignments.

A caffeine-fueled all-nighter before the admissions deadline is a surefire way to take a massive L. It’s a disservice to your future potential.

Your essay is a chance to tell your story, to captivate the admissions committee and leave a lasting impression. Forced enthusiasm and generic phrasing have no place here. Take your time, pour some thought into it, and showcase your unique potential.

Be sure to get feedback from multiple trusted sources and give yourself plenty of time to revise.

Mistake #7: Generic or AI-Generated Essays

Your essay is your one chance to show your true colours. 

But ever since ChatGPT became a thing, we’ve seen all too many students let AI do the talking.

This should go without saying, but we'll say it anyway: 

AI-generated essays are a surefire way to get your application tossed out by the application committee.

You might think they can’t tell, but trust us – they can.

Lean into your authentic voice. Find what makes you unique. Your personality is the asset that will get you noticed.

Mistake #8: Neglecting Supplemental Essays

The supplemental essay shouldn’t be an afterthought, but all too many students treat it that way.

Don’t spend all your time and effort on your main personal essay, only to check out when it comes to the supplemental application. This is your chance to dive even deeper and show the admissions committee why you’re a perfect match for the program.

Don’t underestimate the supplemental essays, they’re designed to elicit responses that reveal your personality and passions. Capitalize on the extra opportunity to show why you’d make a great fit.

Mistake #9: Not Understanding Admissions Criteria

Cookie-cutter applications are a one-way ticket to Rejectionville.

If you think you can just create one generic application and copy-paste it to every program, you’re in for a rude awakening.

A solid application takes time and research. How do you know what qualities they’re looking for if you don’t put in the prep work? Remember – you’re not just trying to get accepted to any university, you should be on a mission to find the perfect fit for you.

Mistake #10: Overlooking Extracurriculars and Leadership

Your hidden talents shouldn’t stay hidden.

Admissions committees don’t just care about GPA, they’re looking for well-rounded applications who make their campus, their community and the world a better place.

All those debate team Ws, community fundraisers and accolades on the soccer field aren’t just resume padding, they say a lot about your passion, leadership skills and initiatives. They’re experiences that deserve the spotlight, so be sure not to overlook them.

Mistake #11: Thinking a “Good” GPA is Good Enough

A good GPA just gets you in the door, but it doesn’t guarantee you stay in the room.

Just when students think they’ve got their applications on lock, we encourage them to go a level deeper.

Thousands of students nationwide all have the same impressive grades. They’ve all checked off the same basic requirements. What makes you really stand out?

Consider studying subjects outside your zone of genius or taking on Advanced Placement courses to show the admissions committee that you’re up for extra challenges.

Mistake #12: Not Fulfilling Prerequisite Courses

Always read the fine print.

We’ve seen so many students who had the grades and extracurriculars they needed to get in, but missed out on a key prerequisite due to poor prep.

Don’t be the overconfident student who lets an oversight like this derail their dreams or hold them back an extra year. Prepare well in advance and always carefully review all the program requirements.

The AdmissionPrep Difference

You don’t need to go at it alone.

AdmissionPrep's mentors offer personalized guidance on your university journey. We’ll help you identify your top schools, prepare for interviews and come up with a well-tailored plan for getting into your top-choice university programs.

Stressed about admission essays? We've got you covered with practice writing, essay editing, and mentorship that will help you become one of Canada's most competitive candidates.

Leyton was clueless about university admissions and scholarship applications, so he took a chance and let us help. He went on to get accepted to UofA Radiology, his dream program, and received $140,500 in funding over the course of his studies.

AdmissionPrep’s expert insights can help you ditch the stress and focus on your future.

Be the Exception

Remember our warning about the students who thought they had it all figured out? The ones who were sure they had all their bases covered but slipped up along the way?

Well, now you know better. You won’t let yourself be another victim to these costly but common mistakes. You won’t let your dreams of getting in dwindle or your scholarship funding slip away.

Knowledge really is power, and if you plan ahead and have the right guidance you’ll be well equipped to succeed.

Don't let these common mistakes ruin your chances of getting into your dream school and receiving funding.

Take AdmissionPrep’s free eligibility quiz and see how our expert mentors can help you boost your chances of a successful application.