How to write a standout university essay in 2024

It's 2024. University applications in Canada are more competitive than ever. Every student is trying to show they’ve got that special something that makes them shine. Here's how you standout.

Two students, both equally smart, both equally hardworking, are applying to their dream schools.

One gets in. The other doesn’t.


It wasn’t just about grades or extracurriculars.

One student managed to craft a great story—one that showed who they were, what they cared about, and how they’d grown.

The other? Not so much.

They'd done everything "right". Good grades, great profile but they just couldn’t sway the committee.

It's 2024. University applications in Canada are more competitive than ever. Every student is trying to show they’ve got that special something that makes them shine.

Here’s how you make yourself standout on university applications in 2024.

And no - it’s not just about grades.

1. Consistent Academic Improvement

Grades are important, no doubt. But what's even more important? Improvement.

If you struggled in Grade 9 or 10 but have shown steady growth ever since, that's something universities want to see. It shows that you can learn, adapt, and grow—a key quality for success in university.

Think of your academic progress like a story arc. Everyone loves a good comeback story, right? Admissions officers are no different. They’re not just looking for straight-A students; they’re looking for students who show resilience and upward momentum.

So, if you’ve faced challenges and come out stronger, make sure they know it.

Highlight it in your written application and show them how you overcame, adapted, and improved.

2. Say Less

Are you involved in ten different clubs, teams, and activities? That’s great—but it’s not necessarily what will set you apart.

Universities aren't picking students by who has the most bullet points on their resume.

What universities really want to see is depth.

They’re looking for students who are truly passionate about something and have pursued it with commitment. It’s much more compelling to see one or two activities where you’ve taken on leadership roles or made a real impact than a laundry list of half-hearted engagements.

Say less. It'll mean much more.

3. Be Real

Your personal statement is your time to shine. Think of it as your highlight reel, but make it real. It’s not just about listing achievements—it’s about telling your story in a way that admissions officers can connect with.

Did you overcome a tough obstacle that shaped who you are? Did a specific event inspire your passion for the field you’re applying to? Don’t be afraid to get personal.

Real stories stick.

One of the biggest mistakes students make is writing what they think admissions officers want to hear. And that usually just makes things so much worse.

Be yourself. Be authentic.

Don't pretend to be someone you're not. (It'll show.)

Universities are looking for people, not robots. They want to know who you are, what drives you, and why you’re a good fit for their community.

4. Strategic Course Selection

Not all courses are created equal.

Universities will look at the types of courses you took. Did you challenge yourself with advanced classes in your area of interest? Did you take courses that align with the program you’re applying for?

Be strategic about your course selection. If you know the field you want to enter, load up on relevant courses and show that you’re serious about it. Universities like to see students who aren’t afraid to push themselves in subjects that matter to them.

5. Catch The Wave & Ride It

If you didn’t do well in your early high school years, don’t panic. A strong upward trend can often speak louder than a few early stumbles.

Think of it this way: it’s not about how you start, it’s about how you finish.

But you do have to finish. And a strong finish IS important.

Admissions officers are human too, and they understand that teenagers go through ups and downs. If you’ve managed to pick yourself up, improve, and finish strong, that’s going to make a big impression.

Make sure you share your growth with them in your written application.

6. Powerful Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation are usually the things students leave until the last minute. This usually leads to cookie-cutter recommendations from busy teachers who are writing their 23rd reference that year.

Letters of recommendation are more than just boxes to tick.

They’re windows into who you are as a student, a community member, and a person.

Choose teachers who know you well and can speak to your character, work ethic, and growth. A generic letter isn’t going to help you, but a heartfelt one from a teacher who’s watched you grow can make all the difference.

Talk to your teachers early and often about your goals. As hard as it is to believe, your teachers are human. (Yes, Mr.Bryan is not a lizard in a skin suit. I promise.) Talk to them as such about your goals and what you want to achieve.

Make sure they understand who you are and what you’re striving for, so when it’s time to write that letter, they can put your story into words that resonate.

7. Clear, Consistent, Commitment

If there’s one thing that makes an application truly memorable, it’s passion. But what does passion mean?

Passion for university application means commitment.

Universities want students who will contribute to their community, who are excited to learn, and who will add something special to their campus. Showing passion and a track record of commitment is important.

It could be diving deep into environmental advocacy, building and leading a coding club from scratch, or dedicating your weekends to helping your local soccer club.

It’s about sticking with something, overcoming challenges, and making a real impact.

Whether it’s a love for learning, a dedication to helping others, or mastering a specific skill, make sure that your commitment comes through in every part of your application.

Aim to build long stretches of commitment to your initiatives. Show how you've taken action, faced obstacles, and grown.

Let it be the thread that ties together your grades, extracurriculars, personal statement, and letters of recommendation.

Before The Bell Rings

Standing out on university applications in 2024 is about much more than just having the highest grades. It’s about being a well-rounded, authentic individual who shows growth, passion, and dedication.

At AdmissionPrep, we’re here to help you highlight what makes you unique. We know what admissions officers are looking for, and we’re ready to guide you every step of the way.

Ready to take the next step towards standing out from the crowd? Let’s work together to make your application unforgettable. See if you qualify for AdmissionPrep's support by filling out our program assessment here.