How Ciara Got Into UofT Engineering & Won $356,000

By Ciara Browne

Despite years of hard work as an outstanding student and community member, I struggled to express my worth to universities and scholarship providers.

In high school I excelled both academically and athletically, taking on multiple leadership roles. I coached youth in karate, led the host team at my restaurant job, and tutored peers in calculus.

I found community involvement extremely fulfilling, but I struggled to articulate my strengths and market the skills I'd gained. This made me feel that all my hard work had been for nothing.

As I began Grade 12, my dedication to academic and athletic excellence created a busy schedule with no room for community involvement. Dissatisfied with my declining contributions and unsure how to balance my commitments, I was in desperate need of guidance.

Fortunately in June 2023, just before starting Grade 12, I discovered AdmissionPrep. 

Previously, scholarships hadn’t been on my radar, and I’d resigned myself to decades of student loan payments. However, AdmissionPrep made it impossible for me to ignore my potential.

They taught me how to effectively communicate my experiences and strengths by refining my highly metaphorical writing style into a sharp tool for self-marketing. I learned how to speak effectively about my experiences and utilized these skills in countless applications and interviews. Constructive feedback became my new best friend.

Additionally, I regained my passion for mentorship-based community action. AdmissionPrep helped me structure my initiatives around my interests, ensuring that my impact was both meaningful and joyful. I developed a program that introduced engineering concepts to over 200 middle school students, reaching those who had previously been beyond my reach.

AdmissionPrep intensified my drive to succeed. Although the initial investment was a significant risk, it more than paid off. Their resources and support system addressed all of my needs as a scholarship and university applicant.

Thanks to AdmissionPrep’s expert guidance, I’ve received admission offers from 7 of the top engineering programs in Canada, along with $356,800 in scholarship offers and bursaries.

Among many others, I received offers for the $120,000 Schulich Leader Scholarship from the University of Alberta, $80,000 Engineering Entrance Award for Indigenous Students from the University of Toronto, and $40,000 Presidential Scholars Award from the University of British Columbia.

I also received over $10,000 in funding through additional grants and bursaries.

With so many options available to me, I was able to make the best decision for my future. Not only was I able to cover all of my tuition costs and other expenses, but I was put in the position to not have to worry about part-time jobs. My education can now receive 100% of my attention, and I know this will help me further excel in my career.

It took a lot of hard work, but the payoff made it all worth it. I’m confident AdmissionPrep will be there to support me going forward.

For me, the AdmissionPrep program was an exceptional opportunity for personal growth and professional development. It showed me what I could accomplish with honest dedication and exceptional time management. Although my time with AdmissionPrep was not without struggle, I was able to overcome each obstacle because I was always supported by their team.

–Ciara Browne

My excitement for the future continues to grow. AdmissionPrep thoroughly prepared me for potential challenges in the application process, significantly boosting my confidence and empowering me to tackle obstacles that once intimidated me.

Moving forward, I plan to continue developing the skills I gained through AdmissionPrep to enhance my professional and personal impact on the world.

Thanks to AdmissionPrep, I have a world of opportunity ahead of me.

Let my story be proof that you don’t need to resign yourself to a future of student loans and full-time work alongside your studies. By taking action and putting in the hard work now, you can set yourself up for an incredible future free from financial hardship.